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Pilar Scratch, EIC.

Celebrity stylist, TV personality, & author, Pilar Scratch is the Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine. Established in 2015

Fashion Gxd Magazine Attends Michal Negron "Celebrating Fashion  Event " Hosted By Arzo and Tabasum Mir  of Bravo TV

Fashion Gxd Magazine Attends Michal Negron "Celebrating Fashion Event " Hosted By Arzo and Tabasum Mir of Bravo TV

Our Editor in Cheif Pilar Scratch attended the "Celebration of Fashion " Event at Michael Negron hosted by Dr. Tabasum Mir of Bravo TV "The Single's Project " & Arzo Of Bravo "Blood Sweet & Heels " in Soho . The amazingly lavish event conveyed stunning pieces all For Grabs and were 15% off . Dr. Tabasum Mir was giving out skin care advice adding a special treat inside the yummy gift bags . Celebrities in attendance Were : Arzo (Blood Sweet & heels ) Tabasum Mir ( The Singles Project ) , Pilar Scratch ( Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist )and Kim dillinger ( Blood Sweet & heels )

Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist Pilar Scratchand Arzo of Bravo Blood Sweet in heels attending "Celebrating Fashion Event "

Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist Pilar Scratch , Publicist Ifueko Igbinovia , and Dr. tabasum Mir of Bravo the Single Project

Mr Sosa ( celebrity photographer ) , Kim Dillinger ( Blood Sweet & heels ) Arzo ( Blood Sweet and heels ) DR. Tabasum mir ( The Singles Project ) and Friends

Arzo second look of the event .

Fashion Gxd Magazine Attends " The Art Of Style " By MArlo Hampton of The  Real HouseWives of Atlanta on Bravo TV

Fashion Gxd Magazine Attends " The Art Of Style " By MArlo Hampton of The Real HouseWives of Atlanta on Bravo TV

Fashion Gxd magazine attends "Underground aristry " hosted By Erica Mena of Vh1 & Rae Holiday

Fashion Gxd magazine attends "Underground aristry " hosted By Erica Mena of Vh1 & Rae Holiday