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Pilar Scratch, EIC.

Celebrity stylist, TV personality, & author, Pilar Scratch is the Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine. Established in 2015

Fashion Gxd Magazine - J. White  |Print Issue Now Available|

Fashion Gxd Magazine - J. White |Print Issue Now Available|

Written By: Samantha Cee

J. White, a finance guru turned celebrity, has taken the world by storm with his expert insights and knowledge in his field. From humble beginnings, he has risen to become a respected figure in finance, helping thousands of people achieve their financial goals. With his unique perspective and unwavering dedication, J. White has become a household name and an inspiration to many. Check out the cover story of Fashion Gxd Magazine for an exclusive glimpse into the life of the successful mogul, J. White.

Tammy Reese "FGM": First, I have to say thank you so much, Jason, for your service, that you have dedicated your life to our country. Coast Guard, correct?

J. White: Yes, ma'am.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Thank you so much for your service. How long were you in the service?

J.White: I was in the Coast Guard for 10 years,

Tammy Reese "FGM": For 10 years. Wow, amazing. Well, in this article, we want to showcase your life journey, you know, overcoming an obstacle that you did while serving in our country. Can you tell me about some of those obstacles you had to overcome? And how did you overcome them?

J. White: Coast Guard is predominantly a white branch of the military. Right? Pretty much all white. So understanding that I'm a street kid, didn't know how to swim. And now joining the Coast Guard. Pretty sadly, most people are sad, right? We kind of know how to figure it out. It's not much you can't teach somebody from the streets, because we got a lot of common sense. So we want to do it. We're going to do it because we're going to figure it out with just common sense and communication. Navigating through the Coast Guard was kind of it was kind of easy. I did have to get over my temperament and you know, meet kind of getting structure. That's what I kind of took away from the Coast Guard gave me a lot of structure that I didn't have

Tammy Reese "FGM": Structure, would you lean that word like discipline, or just keep it as structure?

J. White: I knew right from wrong. So it wasn't like I was wild. So I knew right from wrong. It wasn't a lot of discipline, but it was a lot of ........ actually, you know, I take that back. It wasn't a discipline to the point where being on time now, you know, looking a certain way, in terms of my appearance was disciplined and being on time and, exercising regularly. Then understanding if I want to advance every six months, then I have to do certain things and make sure I meet those marks to advance and get the extra money. So yeah can say disciplined for sure.

Tammy Reese "FGM": I love it. Now I understand you went from a gas station attendant to successfully financing government contracting as your niche. What went into that decision; the career change, if you will?

J. White: Lol, it wasn't like that. The gas station was cool. For me. I was straight. I enjoyed it. I wasn't looking to be the best gas station attendant. So I was, good. My homeboy talked to me about government contracting. And when he spoke to me about it, because of who the vessel is. You know, somebody to tell you something like I can tell you so "Oh, eat right" and your like "Alright, cool. You don't know me". But if you if somebody that you are close to used to be a bigger person, and they tell you to "eat, right", and then you see that they lost weight you like, "Oh, well, let me listen to them". Because you are close enough. So it's the vessel. So because he told me to do government contracting because of where we came from and who he was. If he doing it. I was like, let me take it a little seriously.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Interesting, now you've dedicated your time and advocating for the importance of why every industry should do business with the most significant buyer, which is the federal government, which I'm so interested in learning about. Why is this important? And can everyone make the government a client?

J. White: Yeah, so peep game right, even with a magazine, let's just take this magazine. If yall didn't have anybody to interview at all, because nobody was doing anything exciting. It'd be one or two things. A, y'all would go out of business or be y'all will just find anybody interview with an unenthused story. The federal government doesn't need people to find to thrive in a business. If you look at 90% of the businesses in the world, they need people, they need a customer, they need a customer to either come into the store or come to the website and buy something, right? The federal government doesn't need that. The federal government says "Okay, all you need is to have a business because we need them and we've got to tell you what we need to get it we have all kinds of products and we need all kinds of services". So that's how you know contracting with the federal government will never go anywhere, because their business isn't based on people is based on the demand of a product or service, which people can go get, BIG difference.

Tammy Reese "FGM": So this seems like this like a hidden secret.

J. White: If you think about it, people overlook government contracting because number one, I'm speaking on a federal level only right? I don't speak on the state and local. I'm only speaking on a federal level. That's scary for most people, especially the black culture. But I only worry about the black poles right now scared for most people, period. But then when you get into contracts, with the government, that's a whole new language that people don't want to take the time out to learn. They're just like, learning Swahili or something. Why would I want to learn that?

Tammy Reese "FGM": Like, scared and trying to back off don't want anything to do with the government or the Fed? Or think the Feds like, No, we're not.

J. White: There you go, there you go.....

Tammy Reese "FGM": I love it. What would you say is been the most memorable moment in your career so far with all that you do?

J.White: Most memorable on the teaching side or personal it doesn't matter.

Tammy Reese "FGM": It doesn't matter. Because I know you're a serial entrepreneur, you do a lot in empowering other people, what would you say has been memorable or fulfilling?

J. White: Man, just when people say "Yo, you just changed my finances trajectory". Currently, I'm over 4500 students. And when I get the emails, those Instagram DMS, and they say "I just quit my job. Because of what you taught me". And I'm better than that. You know, some people influence you to say, oh, quit your job. I'm not like that. You got to bills today. You need money coming in today. So you got tomorrow, what others can't. So I tell people, I will tell you to quit your job. You can figure this out simultaneously. But when they do quit a job that lets me know that they put the information to youth and they execute it and now they live in a lifestyle or start to meet live a lifestyle where they dreamed up or thought about or are comfortable with. And that's super fulfilling. And it ain't too much more in my life this fulfilling than that. I mean, I was kicking it with my kids but it's not too much that tops that.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Wow. Now do you mentor people? Are you doing any upcoming events? Or speaking engagements that you can share with us.

J. White: Yeah, so I mentor a private mentorship that's called the inner circle are only 10 people allowed each time I do an inner circle? I have a federal government contracting workshop that's ongoing right now with cities in Jackson, Mississippi. Yep, Jackson, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Miami, Florida. So I hold those workshops. As well because of course online but sometimes you know remembering where you grew up but I would buy a CD and then when those artists came in town you would say I've been listening to your song for two months. You're coming into town let me go see him live too. I wanted to get that live energy. That's the reason why we created the workshop tour to have people be able to experience my live energy of me. As well, as me going through the process with them; right then they face. so that's some of the big events I got coming up this year. This summer.

Tammy Reese "FGM": And take it you keep people up to date on your social media. They're going to find you there and know what city you're going to and when?

J. White: Tell them to holler at me on social media. A couple of trolls out there and I love talking to them. I"ll talk to anybody. Because you know people ain't got nothing to do. Okay, cool. I got time with you. You want to talk while you want to talk wild. Or you want to talk respectfully, whatever it is, they can reach me on my social media and I'm just having a good time because it's just the internet.

Tammy Reese "FGM": I can tell you are like a liver of life and a positive person, and you're really on your divine path of the purpose of helping other people. It's such a selfless way; for sure. Jason, for those who are currently dealing with like, post-COVID struggles if you will, who are just wondering if one day they will obtain financial literacy or economic freedom. But they're doubting themselves right now? What would you say to them?

J. White: Yeah, go ahead on how to pity party real quick, but I think most people talk about "don't doubt yourself don't do this". No, go ahead on it had a quick little pity party; for five minutes. Because I did it! But 10 minutes is all you need. You have to live in it real quick. No need to recognize where you at, have that self-awareness yo this while I'm at right now. I feel bad. I don't feel good. I don't want to be here. Have that pity party, I can't do it. People telling me I should do it. Maybe, I shouldn't have that pity party. But right after you get through that. And understanding that, you know is more to like that you beat yourself up. If you can look to the left, look to the right, see what they doing? Then you get right back focused. Get right back on your game, because the money is out here. Talk to yourself real quick, that pity party, but then get yourself right back up and get to it. Because there's money out here and you got people, I tell people all the time, you got people depending on you that don't even know you. That's their grandkids kids, kids, kids. They don't know you. So because they will never get a chance to know you. You got to live for right now. So they can be set up for tomorrow. But that's what I'm gonna tell them.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Wow, that's deep and that's powerful and it's so true. I was saying my mom say the same thing. "Have a couple of minutes in your pity party then get over right back to it. You have the stuff to do". Jason, you've been so fun to talk with. Are there any other final thoughts or exclusive news you can share with us and send us off with?

J. White: Yeah, I just want to say I make government contracting on the federal level. Sounds easy. Because it is to me. I'm the teacher. It should sound easy coming from me. It should sound obtainable. It should sound like anybody can do it. It should sound like that. But I'm also the teacher that's going to teach you the mountains that you might make that the mountains that I call mole heels for you to get over. There are some learning curves. There are some things that you might deem difficult, but that's why I'm the teacher because they're easy for me. But now I'm gonna love you when you at so I can help you see where you can go to. I want you to just make sure you highlight that I'm gonna make it sound easy. It's not going to be easy for you in the beginning, but I'm going to teach you how you can now talk the lingo of it being easy for you as well.

Tammy Reese "FGM": That's so dope. I also noticed Rick Ross is following you on social media. That is so dope.

J. White: My Guy. Yeah.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Jason, just keep up the great work. You are hugely hugely inspirational. It's an honor to speak with you today. Thank you for your valuable time.

J. White: No, no it was your time is valuable as well as for you to have my words be interpreted by your fingers. And I appreciate it. I can't wait to see what you write up.

Tammy Reese "FGM": Thank you, Jason. Have a great rest of your day.

J. White: All right, you too. Thank you.

Fashion Gxd Magazine "J.White"

By Pilar Scratch in Entrepreneur cover for Fashion Gxd Magazine

32 pages, published 4/29/2023

J. White, a finance guru turned celebrity, has taken the world by storm with his expert insights and knowledge in his field. From humble beginnings, he has risen to become a respected figure in finance, helping thousands of people achieve their financial goals. With his unique perspective and unwavering dedication, J. White has become a household name and an inspiration to many. Check out the cover story of Fashion Gxd Magazine for an exclusive…

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