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Pilar Scratch, EIC.

Celebrity stylist, TV personality, & author, Pilar Scratch is the Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine. Established in 2015

Fashion Gxd  Magazine - Truth Coach Randy (Print Issue NOW Available)

Fashion Gxd Magazine - Truth Coach Randy (Print Issue NOW Available)

Interview By: Samantha Cee

This issue we sat down with the vastly successful entrepreneur, Truth Coach Randy. Coach Randy commenced his voyage of becoming a “truth coach”. By mere definition a truth coach is a vessel that assists individuals to acknowledge and vanquish the elements in life that create self-inflicted mental illness. As a coach, his mission is to pilot others in living in true authenticity; their personal TRUTH. One can gain clarity of living in their authenticity by detaching from illusions embedded in one's mind. When one lives in truth, all other areas of life will fall into place. Growing in his notoriety Randy;s coaching has been celebrated by celebrity makeup artist Nydia Figueria, television personality Antoine Von Boozier and DJ Mama Kim of Love & Hip Hop NYC. In addition, the nationally celebrated truth coach has been interviewed on acclaimed media outlets such as : We Empower Magazine, Hustle & Soul Magazine, Vocal, Medium, LWL Magazine, Femi Magazine, Authority Magazine, Hiltonian, Vents Magazine, Heart of Hollywood Magazine, Vip Section TV, and Social Impact Heros. Take a look at our exclusive interview with the rising brand. 


FGM: It’s an honor to sit down with you all. Tell us a little about your brand and how you've come to this vastly successful peek in your career.

Answer: The mental state of the many people I came in contact with inspired the birth of Truth Coach Randy. People go through life making the money, displaying this picturesque lifestyle, but are in mental distress in private. This was a problem because this level of mental illness negatively affects relationships, family structures, eating habits, sleep patterns to name a few and not just to the individual. I have a mission to change the world by helping individuals to find peace within themselves because many fear losing things or people they feel they might not be able to live without. I help them to realize through their own eyes that sometimes losing to win is imperative. We live in a world of people that are so consumed with outside forces that they forget about the importance of self. Relationships can be reformed and things can be acquired again but we only get one full chance to live our best life and time does not slow down to give people time to figure it out.  This is how the Truth Coach brand was formed. Through my many conversations with people no matter the issue each person, in some way, avoided living completely in their truth. This decision was not always conscious but it always has a negative effect on their life. These results were high levels of stress, anxiety, loneliness, or the lack of ability to hold a solid relationship to name a few. So I developed the truth coach to take responsibility to help individuals face their own reality through their story. A truth coach is that individual that assists you in facing your adversities that may be prohibiting progress at the pace needed to fulfill your life at the highest level. We take the time to explore your story from your perspective to find the points or instances that need to be addressed and faced. Once we face these harsh realities, I assist in discovering what is needed to get some type of resolution so that a new way can be implemented. Change is imperative! Implementing this change into a scenario leads you to manifest the new version of you so that the world can see and experience the new and improved you. 

As a truth coach I don’t weigh successes or failures only progress because this is what motivates me as a truth coach to keep pursuing making a difference. See, each scenario I face or each person that comes in contact with my brand has a different story and a different pace that has to be figured out as he or she works to sort through the muck as they search and find their peace. I would be doing everyone a misjustice. I had a particular scale I was weighing success on because my probability of missing my opportunity to help someone help themselves is heightened. So I said all of that to say that I have not even begun to scratch the surface. This journey is just getting started and that is how I approach each and every day.

FGM: Who are the clients/what are the projects that you most enjoy working on?

Answer: I remember when I first began my truth coach journey, I was advised to find my demographic or type of trauma to focus on so as not to confuse my mission. As I tried to follow that advice I kept hearing in my head that trauma doesn’t discriminate so why should I limit my gift. So I enjoy helping because that is what I was put here on earth to do to help those in need to get to their place of peace. Honestly, I don’t think that I have even begun to be available to all of those that really need me. As I grow, I am working on growing my language and cultural diversity because how can I change the world if I can only communicate and coincide effectively to certain people. It is impossible! So all I can say is as it relates to clients and projects, I enjoy them all no matter how big or small. I knocked all the walls down because walls are what had me depressed with suicidal thoughts so I refuse to limit myself or how far my brand can go. No matter the size, all situations that need addressing deserve the chance.

FGM: How do you feel you make a difference in the world?

Answer: Being the example that living in one’s truth is important to personal happiness, marital happiness, happiness in all of the different types of relationships that exist. Being the example that depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, loneliness, as well as the many other traumatic emotions that exist can be faced and conquered by facing the harsh realities of your truth along with the consequences to create a better quality of life without regret. For years I was neglecting myself as well as my immediate family's total happiness because I was living in my past instead of learning from it and ensuring the same mistakes are not made. I had to learn to use my trauma as fuel to ensure my happiness is guaranteed, WITHOUT REGRET! Sacrifice is part of everyone’s growth process and I had to realize that I am important enough to move on from situations and people and not feel bad about the final results.

FGM: Tell us about a time when you showed determination to continue as an entrepreneur 

Answer:  Wow, this is a loaded question for me because once I fully committed to being an entrepreneur, I did not give myself the option to give up on the journey. But it did not happen overnight. However, through the observation of my wife, who has always been in the entrepreneurial space, I saw how understanding the power of controlling my time and space makes all options a possibility. As an entrepreneur, the world is my playground. Having the opportunity to start my journey with her was my biggest blessing and is the sole reason why lack of determination is not an option. She always finds a way to reach her next goal and she taught me through her experiences that instead of worrying about why it did not work, regroup, reevaluate, and go at it again because the only mistake is when you stop trying to find the solution.  

FGM: Give me the three best qualities of your brand.

Answer:  Staying Honest with myself and my clients: I have to preserve my integrity because my coaching relationship with clients is based and depends on trust.

Be Observant: As a coach I learn the most initially by observing clients and sorting out the subtlest signs of worry, uncertainty, and trepidation.

Have Great Listening Skills: This is what coach is all about, listening. Understanding the subtle tells, signs and messages help me to understand my client’s issues

FGM: Give me an example of when you worked irregular hours?  

Answer: As an entrepreneur, I don’t have set hours. I have set goals so if the time has to be sacrificed to ensure I reach my goals and provide for my family at the highest level then so be it any hour within that 24 hour a day cycle is game if it is needed to make the next move.  

FGM: Being an entrepreneur is a 24/7 job, how did you get ready for that? 

  Answer: I did not realize it at 1st but it did not take long to understand that the results don’t just happen, there has to be hard work and sacrifice and the best tool to take advantage of is the time that is in front of us. See it is not promised so as an entrepreneur don’t take it for granted use it.

FGM: How did you acquire the ability to work under pressure to beat meet deadlines as an entrepreneur?  

Answer: Unfortunately I was a big procrastinator early in my life but I used it as a tool as I moved into my entrepreneurial journey. Even though I had poor time management skills I hated to fail so I was unfortunately always putting myself in a tight position to accomplish my task at a high level. Now that I have learned how to use that procrastinated determination in a time controlled environment I have less pressure, complete tasks for the due date therefore creating time for more opportunities.

FGM: What is your favorite inspirational point, place, to develop new brand developments?

Answer:  It is not a favorite place for me, it is my favorite person to talk to and that is my wife, business partner and best friend Demi Howell. She loves to hear what comes to me as it relates to brand developmental ideas. We don’t believe in leaving a stone unturned. I have been told I try too many things and I don’t believe I try enough. An entrepreneur has to be willing to use each and every second that is available. Now don’t get me wrong there is always a rhyme to my reason in other words it has to make sense and fit into the mold that has already been set in place. I have to know how to use my time wisely enough to ensure that during the implementation process my other ventures are not neglected and if that is not an option it is back to the drawing to ensure that all that is already in front continues to progress.

FGM: Which current public figure, are you inspired by or appreciate the most?  

Answer:  Kanye West. This guy amazes me with his determination. There is not anything that he does not believe he cannot accomplish and I believe he does it all by living within his truth. He shows me that it is okay to hold yourself to the standards that you expect and not feel bad about. I can appreciate his honesty, seeing that it may not always make everyone comfortable but I truly believe that living in your truth is important enough that it is okay to sometimes create an uncomfortable environment. I always say we only get one life to live but as long as you are living you always get a chance, if you want it, to fix an uncomfortable situation. We live in a world where it is okay to agree to disagree and I am okay with living in that space to preserve my mental health.


FGM: How do you handle stress?  

Answer:  It is simple for me to set aside personal time that allows me to reboot and recharge and that time has to be with my favorite people, my wife and 2 daughters. Without this time set aside there is no way I could face those days that I already know are going to require my full mind, body, and soul to be fully beneficial. See they need and have to know that my success is only beneficial to our family if they truly understand how important they are to me. This journey is nothing without them and their full support and understanding.

FGM: What are the three qualities you feel an entrepreneur must have?

Answer: Strong work ethic

passionate about your business and mission

understanding of finances

FGM:  Where do you see your business in 10 years? How do you plan to get there?

Answer: In 10 years I see myself as a worldwide brand. Right now I am expanding my ability to be culturally diverse. I am engulfing myself in the study of other languages and cultures because I want to have the ability to be just as effective to those that are not of my language and cultural background. I am ensuring that my team is strong and understands my vision because when it comes to Truth Coach Randy, I am loyal by default and when I win, we always win. Teamwork truly makes the dreamwork and everyone around me will always know how important they are to all of being a part of each and every goal and accomplishment that is being met.

FGM: It was a pleasure speaking with you thank you for joining us. 

Answer:  It was a pleasure and honor to sit down and give the readers a glimpse into the Truth Coach Brand.

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